29 Apr. Der Urknall und die Gottesfrage
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel ist Leiter am Institut für Angewandte Physik und am Institut für Nanotechnologie am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).
Thomas Schimmel vollzieht in seinem Referat „Der Urknall und die Gottesfrage“ einen Streifzug vom Inneren der Atome bis Ende der Universums und geht der Frage nach:
Wer steht eigentlich dahinter?
Nachfolgend noch zwei Bildauszüge aus dem Referat:
Abb. 1: Bildauszug 1 von 2 aus dem Referat „Der Urknall und die Gottesfrage“ von Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel.
Abb. 2: Bildauszug 2 von 2 aus dem Referat „Der Urknall und die Gottesfrage“ von Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel.
Research Profile
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel
• Professor of Physics and Joint Institute Director,
Institute of Applied Physics, KIT South Campus and
• Head of Department at the Institute of Nanotechnology,
KIT North Campus, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
• Chair of the Research Network “Functional Nanostructures”
• Editor-in-Chief, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
Scientific Career
03/85 Diplom in Physics, University of Bayreuth
03/85 – 07/89 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) with Prof. M. Schwoerer, University of Bayreuth
09/89 – 12/90 Postdoc as BASF Fellow with Prof. H. Fuchs, BASF, Ludwigshafen
01/91 – 02/96 Research Assistant, University of Bayreuth
07/95 Habilitation, University of Bayreuth;
Offers of Professorial Positions: 1) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München, 2) Universität Linz, 3) Universität Karlsruhe
Since 03/96 Professor of Physics & Joint Institute Director, Inst. of Appl. Physics,
Head of Department, Institute of Nanotechnology (since 1998),
Scientific Coordinator of the Network of Excellence
on Functional Nanostructures in Baden-Württemberg
Selected Achievements and Awards
1987: Emil Warburg Research Prize
1993: Advanced Materials Prize
1994: Philip Morris Research Prize
2001: Research Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg
2004: First demonstration of a Single-Atom Transistor
2010: Discovery of the Salvinia Effect (together with W. Barthlott [3])
since 2002: Foreign Advisory Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
since 2009: Editor-in-Chief, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
Fields of Interest
• Physics and chemistry on the nanometer scale,
nanotechnology, constructive nanolithography and atomic-scale devices.
• Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM tip-sample interaction and nanotribology.
• Electrochemistry & materials research on the nm scale.
• Physics and Chemistry of functional surfaces and interfaces.
• Biomimetic functional surfaces and the Salvinia Effect.
• The Single-Atom Transistor
Research Profile
Ten Selected Publications
[1] Lipid Multilayer Gratings
S. Lenhert, F. Brinkmann, T. Laue, S. Walheim, C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, M. Xu,
S. Sekula, T. Mappes, T. Schimmel, H. Fuchs.
Nature Nanotechnology, 5(4), 275–279 (2010)
[2] Multi-Level Atomic-Scale Transistors Based on Metallic Quantum Point Contacts
F.-Q. Xie, R. Maul, C. Obermair, G. Schön, T. Schimmel, W. Wenzel.
Advanced Materials, 22(18), 2033–2036 (2010)
[3] The Salvinia Paradox: Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Hydrophilic Pins for Air
Retention under Water
W. Barthlott, T. Schimmel, S. Wiersch, K. Koch, M. Brede, M. Barczewski, S. Walheim,
A. Weis, A. Kaltenmaier, A. Leder, H.F. Bohn.
Advanced Materials, 22(21), 2325–2328 (2010), Cover Article
[4] High Aspect Ratio Constructive Nanolithography with a Photo-Dimerizable
M. Barczewski, S. Walheim, T. Heiler, A. Blaszczyk, M. Mayor, T. Schimmel.
Langmuir, 26(5), 3623–3628 (2010)
[5] Influence of the Relative Humidity on the Demixing of Polymer Blends on
Prepatterned Substrates
T. Geldhauser, S. Walheim, T. Schimmel, P. Leiderer, J. Boneberg.
Macromolecules, 43(2), 1124–1128 (2010)
[6] Templated Self-Assembly of ZnO Films on Monolayer Patterns with Nanoscale
L. Pitta Bauermann, P. Gerstel, J. Bill, S. Walheim, C. Huang, J. Pfeifer, T. Schimmel.
Langmuir 26(6), 3774–3778. (2010)
[7] The Single-Atom Transistor: Perspectives for Quantum Electronics on the AtomicScale
C. Obermair, F.-Q. Xie, T. Schimmel.
Europhysics News, Invited Article, 41(14), July–August (2010)
[8] Conductance of Atomic-Scale Pb Contacts in an Electrochemical Environment
F.-Q. Xie, F. Hüser, F. Pauly, C. Obermair, G. Schön, T. Schimmel.
Phys. Rev. B 82, 075417-1-5 (2010)
[9] Nanoscale Twinned Copper Nanowire Formation by Direct Electrodeposition
S. Zhong, T. Koch, M. Wang, T. Scherer, S. Walheim, H. Hahn, T. Schimmel.
Small, 5(20), 2265–2270 (2009), Cover Article
[10] Independently Switchable Atomic Quantum Transistors by Reversible Contact
F.-Q. Xie, R. Maul, A. Augenstein, C. Obermair, E.B. Starikov, G. Schön, T. Schimmel,
W. Wenzel.
Nano Lett. 8(9), 2944–2948 (2008
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